Last updated Nov 2024 - removed dead links, and had a bit of a general prune of stuff that no longer interests me so much.
The English Spelling Society - English spelling reform.
Meanings of First Names and First Names from Meanings
PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Books On-Line (mostly fiction, mostly old classics).
Snopes: Urban Legends Reference Pages - there is a lot of stuff on the 'net that simply isn't true. And occasionally some that is!.
StartPage - WebSearch without the tracking.
Why Open Source Solutions Are Better - look at the Numbers! - open source software propaganda.
Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present! - history, very interesting stuff.
Schlock Mercenary - Original Sci-fi, fun to serious.
Freefall - Original Sci-fi, fun.
Irregular Webcomic - Lego Comic, Various themes.
Unspeakable Vault of Doom - Lovecraftian humour.
The Order of the Stick - Roleplayer humor
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
The Darwin Awards - cleaning the gene-pool.
GURPS: Generic Universal RolePlaying System - Game.
Lojban - a language based on logic structures. Root words derived from many languages, but mostly English and Chinese.
The Shaw Alphabet - a phonetic alphabet for English.
Ido - a modernised Esperanto derivative.
The Play Ethic - leisure in the modern world.
Wait But Why - interesting points of view on various topics that interest me.
Hyperbole and a Half - Depression Part Two - A good little blog-bit about depression.